Archives 2020

Infinite Recharge #4: Day 14-16

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend, I know we are definitely enjoying the extra build time it has granted us with! These past few days have been action packed. While our CAD team has been hard at work, the rest of our Mechanical team has been helping them out with further prototyping and testing, as we refine and finalize various aspects of our design. Our Electrical and Programming teams have been collaborating and working together as we have been determining which sensors and autonomous routines we plan to use. All sub-teams have been working together on the testing and refinement process on our drive train. This week we plan on continuing on each of these tasks, with the hope to begin fabrication of the robot within the next week.

-Team 2643

Infinite Recharge #3: Day 10-13

What a week of accomplishments this has been! We started the week off strong, completing our drivetrain fabrication and assembly, and being able to drive (make sure to check out our Instagram for occasional peaks into various testing and accomplishments). In addition to this, we have added a second round of prototypes to help out our design team and finalize our design decisions. CAD is off to a great start, as is the beginning of our control system. Last but not least, field element construction is nearly completed. We can’t wait for the next few weeks!

-Team 2643

Infinite Recharge Update #2: Day 7-9

It’s been a very busy couple of days for our team. This weekend we finished up our initial round of prototypes. Using many of those prototypes, we now have a drafted robot design concept, which we will be refining and adding details to in the coming days. This weekend there was a lot of progress in the fabrication and assembly of our drivetrain, and it should be completed before the next update.

This week the Media Team published the first weekly vlog (click here or see below). The Media Team will continue to shoot footage for the second weekly vlog. The T-shirt design is finalized and should be completed by the end of the week. Auditions for Chairman’s Presenters will take place this week.

-Team 2643

Infinite Recharge Update #1: Day 1-6

We are so excited about the 2020 FRC game! Throughout these past couple of days, our team has been hard at work.

On the first day of the season, some of our members attended the Kickoff event at Pioneer High School, while the rest of our team watched the game reveal at school. We spent the day working alongside team 5027: Event Horizon, hitting the ground running with game analysis and strategy discussions. The next few days consisted of brainstorming and prototyping, with our hopes being to have an idea of what our robot will look like this weekend. Lastly, drivetrain CAD has been completed and fabrication has begun.

This week the Media Team finished designing the front of the 2020 team T-shirt (ordering information will be coming in the upcoming weeks). Individual parts of the Chairman’s Essay are nearly complete, and the essay will be progressing as the season progresses. This whole week, our Media Team has been taking footage for Build Season Vlogs (more information coming soon), and we’re going to edit some of the footage over the weekend. Also, the team received a donation from Dremel!

Until the next update,
Team 2643

FIRST Robotics Competition Infinite Recharge

Welcome to the 2020 season: Infinite Recharge! This Build Season we will be documenting and sharing Team 2643’s progress here, with posts generally coming out every Sunday and Thursday evenings. These updates will cover both the technical side of the team (CAD, Mechanical, Electrical, Programming, general robot updates), and the non-technical side of the team (Media, Bussiness, Outreach, Awards).

This season we will be attending the Arizona North Regional, and the Monterey Bay Regional. For more updates on our team follow us on Instagram @team2643 and like us on Facebook FIRST Team #2643: Dark Matter.

See you tomorrow for our first official update of the season!

-Team 2643