Infinite Recharge #12: Day 45-59
It’s been a while!
We have been very busy, and now we leave for our first competition of the season in just ONE WEEK! Technically the robot is in the home stretch! Mechanical has a few final changes to make, and needs to mount our shooter, but otherwise the robot is good to go! Programming has been busy at work with our shooter, and is making great progress. Lastly, electrical is on standby, mkaing quick changes and fixes as aspects of our robot our evolving. We cannot wait for everyone to see our robot at the Arizona North Regional NEXT WEEK!
This week, the business team finished the business plan! Outreach has been busy working on preparations for the chairman’s presentation. Media has been working on the vlogs and making more progress on the chairman’s video.
Stay tuned for our final update before our first competition of the season!
– Team 2643