Infinite Recharge #5: Day 17-20

Week Three is off to a great start!

On the Technical side, we have made a little more progress on finishing up the field elements, but have been spending the bulk of our time working on the robot. Our CAD team has been very hard at work, and should be complete within the next couple of days, meanwhile they have also begun sending parts out to our fabrication group, who has been working diligently all week. Our Electrical team is finishing up their CAD, and will begin manufacturing the electrical board and related aspects very soon. Last but not least, our Programming team has been working on vision, autonomous routines, and tele-op, as well as refining our drive code.

This week, Non-Technical was busy working on the business plan. Media has been filming and editing for the vlogs (next volg coming Sunday!). The upload schedule for the vlogs has been changed from once a week to once every two weeks. T-shirt designs have been open to the entire team, and will be decided soon. Also this Sunday, volunteers are going to an FTC competition to help set up and run the competition.

-Team 2643